Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 27- What's the Best Thing Going for You Right Now?

The best thing that's going for me right now.... oh jeez. I have a lot of good things going on in my life: my son Truman, my close circle of friends, and my determination to get my life back on track (with school and a great job). I'd have to say what the BEST thing is right now is... my blog.

When I was in first grade,  I discovered my talent for storytelling. I was able to clearly express what was on my mind, whether I was presenting it orally or by writing it down on paper. One of my first real accomplishments was in the second grade. One of my short stories was featured in the school district's annual Young Writer's Conference. It made me happy that my story was published in the book.

My writing progressed through my grade school years, leading all the way through high school. When I was a freshman, my English teacher recommended me to the yearbook advisor to join the staff the following school year. I had never given it much thought, but once the idea was presented to me, I knew that's what I wanted to do. By the end of that school year, I had already decided that journalism was going to be my major in college.

When I was in college from 2002-2004, I had taken several classes that were writing intensive, including a Film as Literature class. The class consisted of watching movies and writing papers about them. Yes, this was the perfect class for me. It helped me realize that I could combine both passions for writing and movies into a career, like a movie columnist. Well, as life goes, I had a few curve balls thrown at me that veered me away from achieving my goals. As I have mentioned before, I am working toward getting my life back that direction.

Back in July, I had noticed a few of my friends with their own blogs. Each of them had a unique voice and after mulling over the idea for 48 hours, I found myself setting up my own blog. Wow... this is something that I should have started doing years ago! I'm glad I did it though. I am amazed at how many blogs I have written in the past four months... and how many more I have to come.  It has already opened my creativity back up, and (hopefully) soon, I will be writing my first novel and hoping that it gets published someday. My blog has helped me rediscover myself more than anything else that I've done in the past three years, especially this 30 Days of Truth blog challenge. I hope that someday, someone out there will notice my voice and possibly lead me toward achieving some of my goals. Yea, that would be awesome :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am sure that one day your dreams of being a famous writer will come true. You are already brilliant at it. Now you just have to be noticed by the right people. ;)
